GTL synthetic diesel

GTL diesel stands for Gas To Liquid diesel oil. It is a synthetic diesel fuel that is produced from syngas by means of the Fischer Tropsch synthesis process. For example, syngas (CO and H2 could be produced from natural gas. Characteristically, GTL diesel is a very pure form of diesel. The GTL diesel, used by Bredenoord in its generators, is produced from the so-called flare gas. This is gas, given off during the recovery of oil, and until recently had usually been disposed of by combustion in the open.

GTL diesel oil is generally considered to be an importent step in the sustainabillity process of fuel, in particular for mobile applications ans complies with the Bredenoord vision on energy.


  • GTL diesel contains no sulphur and sulphur-containing compounds
  • No smell of diesel
  • No aromatics
  • Less emission of dangerous substances
  • The fuel is biologically degradable 
  • Could be produced from different sources: flare gas, natural gas, biomass