Synchronous grid take-over

Do you have planned grid maintenance coming up but must your work activities continue at all times? A synchronous grid takeover will ensure this. During a synchronous grid takeover we use a genset with a specific operating system that allows the transition from grid to genset to flow perfectly.
Uninterrupted power access
While the main power supply is still running we measure the voltage and frequency the generator must reach, after which the controls of the genset are set up accordingly. As soon as the main power supply and genset run fully synchronously, the main power supply will be weaned off in steps. In the meantime the genset covers an increasing part of the power demand. Your location will not be without power at any point during this process. Once your regular power supply is ready for operation again, the process takes place again but in reverse. The synchronous grid takeover occurs so smoothly the end user won’t notice anything.
Features of a synchronous grid takeover:
- Your power supply won’t be interrupted at any point
- 100 kVA – 2000 kVA, larger powers available on request
- Can be combined with an additional backup generator
- Saves time and money since your work activities can continue
- Can be combined with the Battery Box
A synchronous grid takeover allows you to carry out maintenance to your main power supply without having to interrupt your regular work activities.
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